About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a healing art passed down for 5,000 years. This system is based on the theory that to be healthy all of our tissues and organs need a proper supply of blood.
There are over 360 acupuncture points in the body each designed to treat different symptoms and remove blockages.
A great analogy to explain how acupuncture works is to think of the meridian system as a high way system, all connected in the body. If there is a traffic jam at head the channels in the neck where Qi is backed up may congested and manifest as tight neck shoulder or arm pain. There could also be a deficiency of qi getting to the head because of this pile up causing dizziness fatigue or mental cloudiness.

Chinese Medical Terminology
You may hear may phrases like Yin Yang Qi Jing Essence, etc. This will give you a quick introduction.
Yin and Yang polar opposites in all things in natures. All that is yang also has a yin side, and visa versa. In terms of the body we generally refer to yin aspects as fluid, tissue, organs and the material aspects. Yang on the other hand, refers to all metabolic activity like digestion, circulation, respiration and growth.
Yin refers to cold, stillness, nighttime and quiet. Yang refers to heat, movement, daytime and loudness. Most people tend to be more Yin or more Yang and have either a Yin deficiency or Yang deficiency. A Yin deficiency person may get hot flashes, be restless, have bouts of insomnia, and suffer from dryness or constipation.A Yang deficient person may be sleepy, cold and suffer from chronic runny noses and watery stools.
Qi is our life force or vital energy. Qi may be depleted or get stagnated. Either of this disharmonies of Qi can happen usually from emotional upset, physical trauma, improper diet or toxin in the envoirment or food.
Jing or Essence is like our DNA. It is inherited from our parents. Some people seem to be healthier despite treating their bodies terribly, while others need a lot of care to maintain health. This can be attributed to our Jing. While Jing cannot be increased - activities likes excessive drinking drug use and improper sleep can deplete our Jing prematurely.

Meridian System
Channel theory
The energetic flow of Qi travels just like blood flows through our veins. It is important to remember that if your acupuncturist talks about stagnation or deficient energy in any meridian system it does not mean anything is wrong with the actual organ.
Brief history of Channel Imbalances:
LUNG - Metal element
Tends to have recurring symptoms between 3-5 am.
Grief, shallow breathing, toxic air and lack of nurturing as a child can all affect Lung Qi. Symptoms include breathing issues, asthma, sinus issues, immunity issues, feeling being stuck in life, and state of being "spongey" and taking on others emotions. Possibly issues with front of the shoulder, elbow and wrist.
SPLEEN - Earth element
Tends to have recurring symptoms between 9-11am.
Causes of earth imbalances are excessive sugar and carb intake, eating at irregular times, over worry and over thinking, constantly trying to control situations. Emotionally, "earthy" people will feel not as grounded and will always be taking care of others and not themselves. They are nuturing and often selfless and art at more of a risk to develop OCD symptoms.
Symptoms of imbalance will physically present as digestive issues with bloating, loose stools, absorption of nutrient issues, brain fog, tendency to create phlegm, heavy head, easily brusing and spotting between periods, appetite issues, chronic fatigue or chronic muscle pain. Mid to lower back pain may be present as well as trapezius tension.
HEART- Fire element
Fire disharmonies tend to occur at 11am-1pm. All disharmonies of this element are worsened by heartbreak. Firey people need a lot of grounding. They will have trouble conveying thoughts or ideas, and over book themselves. They might have an indulgent overly stimulating life which will lead to memory and fatigue issues because they burn out. They hate and love intensely.
The heart regulates circulation. Symptoms may include insomnia, restlessness, excessive or vivid dreaming, chest pressure or palpations and anxiety.
KIDNEY - Water Element
Kidney disharmonies tend to occur at 5-7pm.
Water disharmonies are worsened by shock, trauma and overwork and too much sexual activity. Someone with strong fears, phobia's or concern with change is a water personality. They will often feel a lack of motivation in life and a tendency toward depression.
Physically a water person may dislike cold, have hearing or ear issues, reproduction or libido issues, urination issues or water metabolism issues. They may be chronically exhausted or dizzy with low back and knee pain.
LIVER - Wood element
Disharmonies will often occur between 1-3 am.
Causes of this disharmony are toxins, medications, excessive or repressed anger and malnutrition.
Wood element people may be irritable and hot headed or have a temper that is easily frustrated. They may feel a lack of direction in life and often sigh.
Symptoms may be tight tendons and joints as liver blood is essential to nourish tendons and ligaments. They may have menstrual irregularities and period or groin pain, gas and bloating, eye issues ( dry or itchy or watery) cold hands and feet or numbness and tingling in the body. They also may be prone to headaches, hight pitched tinnitus and vertigo.